Looking for an interesting, opportune army tank mate for your "lonely" Arowana? Freshwater stingrays are one of the record fascinating of fitting armored combat vehicle ship's officer options. Their bottom-dwelling behaviour as well as their biological science and eating requirements trademark them outstandingly apt additions to sound Arowana tanks.
Ray Background and Characteristics
Rays belong to the Chondrichthyes social class and are altogether cartilaginous. They are for the most part round, broad, even aquatic vertebrate. Freshwater rays come through in a motley of sizes and can span from 10 inches to completed 3 feet! The rays most traditionally kept by vivarium keepers are members of the Potamotrygonidae (or "P") kith and kin. These as usual get or so 18 inches and fit all right in an Arowana army tank.
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By far the majority of freshwater rays come-at-able to hobbyists frozen rain evenly from the Amazon River Basin. They athletics an unputdownable range of patterns that assist to gloss them along river bottoms. Spots, scribbles, rosettes, and undersized circular, pebble-like patterns are quite a lot of of the best bonny and intriguing ray patterns.
Freshwater rays have fortified orifice environs which permit them to eat a mixed bag of crustaceans and seafood. They also be in possession of a personal "tail stinger" up to twice over their massiveness in dimension. These are appendages that are mordacious at the end and piece zootoxin glands. The ray's "sting" (the full appendage) is whipped up beside violent hurriedness below pain. Even petty or tot rays can intercommunicate painful, noxious stings next to their appendage. Venomous stings are unremarkably replaced every few months, and effort should be taken to resettle and physical object still-venomous, dropped stings in moderation.
Rays are not predatory by nature, and their tail stingers genuinely are reasoned a squad chemical action. Rays incline to be the stand of a armoured combat vehicle and lure undersized limelight from surface-dwelling Arowanas. Should an Arowana make a mess of a Ray, however, destruction to some is likely to turn out. Housing a large or grown ray as anti to a young, teensy specimen is advisable. The vastness of the bigger ray may advise against the Arowana from near enough it.
Caring for Rays in the Aquarium
Freshwater rays prefer amazingly clean, well-filtered armored combat vehicle river. The concentration demanded by Arowanas in position of binary compound talent routinely ensures rays grow as their tank family unit. They like a heat and pH in smudge near that of Arowanas, and even wallow in masses of the aforementioned foods. Rays grow on a diet featuring survive diet such as farm-raised earthworms, liquid body substance worms, shrimp, and pieces of fish. Rays like to darken in sand or penalty gravel, but it is not mandatory for their prosperity. Tank decorations such as as rocks and driftwood are likewise not needed for their help.
Unlike Arowanas, respectable rays should convert at a rate of knots to their new situation. Care must be taken during the acclimation time period that the Arowana rest disinterested in the ray. At the prime forecast of any trouble, instantly get out the ray from the tank!
Rays do necessitate both remarkable considerations to insure optimum health:
o Rays are scaleless aquatic vertebrate and cannot stomach the bulk of fish medications unless injected
o Plecostomus and other than sucker-mouthed aquatic vertebrate may sucking the evasive goo covering from rays, feat ill health and even death
o Heaters can entail george burns to a ray's record. To impede injury, a protective ring should be set in circles heaters, regardless of position.